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Winner particle size analyzer shines at Beijing Analysis and Testing Academic Report

Oct. 12, 2021

The 19th Beijing Analysis and Testing Academic Symposium and Exhibition (BCEIA 2021) will be held grandly at the Beijing China International Exhibition Center (Tianzhu New Hall) from September 27 to 29, 2021. The conference will continue to uphold the principle of "Analytical Science Creates the Future" "Vision, academic lectures, forums and instrument exhibitions will be held around the theme of "Life, Life, Ecology - Facing a Green Future". Jinan Winner Particle Instrument Co., Ltd., as a member of the Analysis and Testing Association and a technical expert in the field of particle size testing, was invited to participate in the conference and exhibition.


Winner particle size analyzer shines at Beijing Analysis and Testing Academic Report

At this exhibition, Jinan Winner displayed two different types of laser particle size analyzers, namely the Winner2000ZD intelligent wet laser particle size analyzer and the Winner311XP medical spray laser particle size analyzer. The wet particle size analyzer is mainly used for media that are insoluble in water or liquids. Particle size detection of micron and sub-micron particles, such as some suspensions, powders, metal oxides, ceramic materials, refractory materials, etc., while the spray particle size meter is mainly suitable for atomization of droplets, oil mist, smoke, water mist, etc. Detection of particle size.


Winner particle size analyzer shines at Beijing Analysis and Testing Academic Report

At this exhibition, Jinan Winner broadcast the entire exhibition process online for the first time. Director Li Xiuzhuang of Jinan Winner explained the whole process and answered the inquiries of online customers one by one. Some old customers also interacted with Winner through the live link and gave rewards. The times are changing with each passing day, and the instrumentation industry cannot lag behind in this wave of network digitization. During the meeting, Director Li Xiuzhuang also accepted an on-site interview from the Analysis and Testing Encyclopedia. Director Li briefly introduced the functions and applications of the two particle size analyzers he brought, and made clear the impact and opportunities brought by the epidemic and the company's response measures. answer.

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