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How does concentration effect on results of particle size distribution test?

Generally, the particle size distribution measurement is performed by the system to identify and receive optical signals to achieve. The intensity of the optical signal depends on the number of particles in the suspension.

I.e., Laser method, the higher the concentration of particles in suspension, the stronger the scattered light signal, but the plural scattering phenomenon at the same time increased, affecting the measurement results;

Conversely, the lower the concentration of particles in suspension, although plural scattering eased, but the signal to noise ratio decreased, representative is not enough. other methods of measuring particle size distribution is similar, it is important to keep proper concentration of particles in the particle size distribution measurement process.

In a typical particle size distribution measurement, should control the concentration of the suspension, it is impossible to lay a fixed percentage.

The reason is, in the process of particle size measurement, proper concentration is often based on the number of particles numbers, Due to the different density of the sample, different particle size, need more High density and coarse particle size of the sample to achieve system requirements,and therefore in terms of particle size measurement system, percentage of concentration can't be fixed. Generally, the percentage of suspension concentration is from about 0.01% to 0.1%.

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